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Preisliste 2022/23 Price list 2022/23 Listino prezzi 2022/23 | Appartement “Katharina” Apartment “Katharina” Appartamento “Katharina” | Appartement “Florian” Apartment “Florian” Appartamento “Florian” |
Sommer Summer Estate 16.06. - 07.09.24 | 150 € | 150 € |
Herbst Autumn Autonno 08.09. - 21.12.24 | 140 € | 140 € |
Weihnachten Christmas Natale 22.12. - 11.01.25 | 160 € | 160 € |
Winter Winter Inverno 12.01. - 01.03.24 | 150 € | 150 € |
Fasching Carnival Carnevale 02.03. - 08.03.25 | 160 € | 160 € |
Frühling Spring Primavera 09.03. - 14.06.25 | 150 € | 150 € |
Sommer Summer Estate 15.06. - 06.09.25 | 160 € | 160 € |
Herbst Autumn Autonno 07.09. - 20.12.25 | 150 € | 150 € |